Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cycling Training for Beginners

Welcome to the Tour de Cure Blog for the Michigan Tour de Cure!
Join us for the Ride of your Life on June 15, 2013 in Brighton

Training for a cycling event is not impossible-- even if you have a job and a life! There's just a few things to consider.

First: Sign up for an event! This is more important than you think. Paying the registration fee not only secures your spot avoiding disappointment later, but an event on your calendar provides constant motivation. It also leads to constant training, week after week, in a slow progression. 

Next, make sure you are comfortable on your bike. If you aren't, get a professional fitting. Take yourself and your bike to the bike store and ask for a fitting.  

Check your sugar often and modify your diet if necessary. This is a slow and consistent training philosophy, so ride every week! Put in miles but also don't neglect things like intervals and hills. Both of these are vital to a training program. When riding those long miles, do so at a steady pace--don't dilly dally and stop too often for a break.

When you plan your workouts: intervals, hills, long rides, don't just do the same workouts on the same days on the same routes. Mix it up! Training will never be boring. Try different things! This will make consistent training a breeze. Lastly, remember that rest and recovery are a part of training. Take time for recovery and cross training.

Tune back next time for more training tips!

1 comment:

  1. Good advice for both beginning and experienced cyclists
