Friday, April 27, 2012

Living Well with Diabetes

Adapted From Prevention Magazine, May 2012

Exercise is an important tool in managing diabetes. During exercise glucose is used by muscles for fuel. This can mean exercise can be as effective as some diabetes medications.

1. Intervals
      10 minutes of intervals per workout can help modulate glucose for up to 24 hours.
             Can do with any sport--just be sure to include recovery intervals
              Still include moderate intensity workouts during the rest of the week

2. Strength
      Don't need heavy weights and lots of reps, body weight exercises like squats and pushups can stimulate additional muscle

3. Get Active!
      Don't be sedentary! Workout, then continue to be active during the day--don't just sit around. Work more movement into your life

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Videos on National Tour de Cure You Tube page

Check out Tour de Cure National videos on how to register, fundraise, start a team.

ADA Tour site:

Registration Video Instructions for Individuals:

Registration Video Instructions for Team Captains:

Tour Participant Center Video Instructions:

Importing & Managing Contacts Video Instructions:

Sending Email Video Instructions:

Fundraising with Facebook Video Instructions:

Feb 2012 Tour de Cure Activities

February 2012 Tour de Cure Activities

February is a busy month! It’s a great time for tuning up your bike, getting any new gear for the upcoming riding season, and fundraising!

Indoor Spin Training:

Bring your bike & mag trainer and join in the fun!

2/6 Performance Bike NOVI

2/11 Performance Bike W. BLOOMFIELD

2/25 Performance Bike W. BLOOMFIELD

Ladies Night at Macomb Cycle & Fitness:


Start a team! Join a team! Fundraise! Swag! Training Advice!

Fundraising Rountable:


ADA Offices in Bingham Farms: 10 am & 6pm

Learn about successful fundraising, get questions answered.

General Tour de Cure Announcements

Score an invite to the VIP party & VIP ride by raising $1000 by 5/28/12

This was so much fun last year… you definitely want in on this. The goal is very doable—stop by the Fundraising Roundtable for advice.

Reward Programs for Returning Rockin’ Riders

ADA staff & volunteers are working on rewards for riding—stay tuned for more information.

Don’t want to ride?

Volunteer! Tour de Cure relies on non-riding volunteers for creating a Rockin’ Ride.  And we are always looking for Committee Members to help all year long.

The Organizations that Make It Happen:

Kroger, Clif, Nissan, Chili’s, Michigan Podiatric Association, Yelp, Blue Care Network, Performance Bikes, American Cycle & Fitness, Oakland Regional Hospital, Hamburg Fitness Center.


Watch for March activities, including the Kick Off Party!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Excercise 2012

*Adapted from Women's Health magazine, Nov 2011

Some interesting statistics on weight and diabetes, and its precursor: insulin resistance.

Approximately 15% of Type 2 diabetics aren't overweight, but have additional visceral fat that is not noticeable. Visceral fat is typically found around near internal organs. The reason these people may have developed diabetes may be due to lack of exercise. Even moderate exercise has been shown to lower blood sugar.

Other risk factors may be yo-yo dieting and daily stress. Attempting to control weight by diet alone, without proper exercise is not a long term solution to excess weight.

Scientists are learning that specific DNA may hinder pancreatic function. Sugar can't get into cells, flood the bloodstream and can cause damage to organs.

Another alarming statistic, a whopping 93% of prediabetics don't know they are sick--and these are the very people that can be helped most by diet and exercise.

Two ways to reduce your risk: eat as little added sugars as possible and more unprocessed foods each day. As always, start with small changes to reduce your risk of developing diabetes.

If you are looking to start exercising, talk to your doctor, then join us for the 2012 Tour de Cure bike ride! Tour information can be found at